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An elderly woman on vacation. Reading on Amazon Kindle while vacationing in the great East African r

The Series of Deerdra Story Books

"You can find magic wherever you look.

Sit back and relax, all you need is a book." 

~Dr. Seuss

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Deerdra's Devotion

To Rosa Rabbit & Fabien Fox

Link to Lessons and Learnings


Deerdra pays tribute to a couple of amazing beings in her life; Rosa Rabbit & Fabien Fox. One of these characters is the strongest being Deerdra knows; the other is her very own super-hero.

Find out who is who, and why Deerdra is so devoted to them.


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Defining Moments

By Deb Lawson

Link to Lessons and Learnings


Deb unveils her series of stories with this gem. Find out what happened that prompted her to close one chapter of her life and opening another. You'll also get to know how and why Deerdra was born.



Deb's Blog e-Book

By Deb Lawson

As Deb started out on her writing journey she wrote and published a series of blogs.
She's now combined them all into the first of the series of flip-books.

Subscribe below so you don't miss out on the next Deerdra story.

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