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Deerdra Stories

Deerdra is Deb's animated identity.

Lean in and get ready to read and learn from Deb's gift to you - her stories.

Deb is writing stories for kids (of all ages) inspiring you to be the best version of yourself.

Deerdra Stories will inspire you to be: happy, sure and fulfilled.

The stories are based on her experiences, perspectives, and life's lessons.

They are often on impactful subjects that include her family and friends.

They're wildly witty, somewhat rhymey, no topic is off limity, and really make you thinky.


Deerdra has all the qualities and gifts Deb has in her human life.

Like Deb, Deerdra is fun, energetic, and creative. Of course she is!

Deerdra is a deer, whose mantra is 'deer to be different'.

By affinity to the deer, Deb also has the power to deal with challenges with grace.

She's mastered the art of being both determined and gentle in her approach. 


Deerdra, like Deb, has overcome many obstacles.

She is successful because she lives with fulfillment from all her experience and perspective.


Also like Deb, Deerdra is blessed with many friends, and has an awesome family – all of which have contributed to her learning, living, laughing and loving along the way.


I can't wait for you to meet her.


- Deer To Be Different -


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A Message From Deerdra

I'm so glad Deb created my identity. I think she created it because she loves animals. But, I can tell you first hand, Deb's mind did cartwheels and all sorts of flips when she learned her spirit animal was a deer.  (I think I saw a light bulb above her head when it happened). Deers are incredibly energetic, witty, and very intelligent creatures - if I do say so myself.

I also know Deb's vision of creating me pulled at her heart strings. Deb has a big heart so, don't worry, the strings didn't get all tangled up.


I'm glad I'm the motivation Deb needs for the stories she dreams of creating for kids. I can't wait to see what she does with it, and I'm super excited she's doing it with me.


Since I know Deb really well (wink wink), I'm pretty sure her stories will be timeless and ageless.

They will be all about her lived experiences and perspective, and shared in the form of lessons and learnings...

... for kids! (young and old!) You know, I have heard her say that her story books will also serve the "YAs" (young adults) and the "YAHOOs" (young at heart one & onlys).

The story characters are animals and will be about her family and friends.

Her witty wisdom will be full of hope, humanity, and humility – with a goal of leaving big smiles on the faces of readers.


I can't wait to be part of a meaningful connection in the hands, hearts and minds of so many.


See you soon,





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